xaminit = Examine It

We develop content to help people think through and examine the basic, big life questions using both fun and rigorous methods.

1. Main Author: Allen Wiseman

Short Bio: I hold a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Waterloo, with a special interest in the reality of God from a Biblical point of view. Many people do not hold this view, but I have studied (& continue to), thought deeply, and written material that works through many of the issues, concerns, and objections involved. I would like to share these ideas with you. Thank you for keeping an open mind and joining me on this journey.

2. Editor/Assistant: Nathaniel Wiseman

Short Bio: I have diverse experience and background, including a Bachelor of Music in Voice Performance. I am interested in the fields of history, philosophy, critical thinking, languages and biblical studies. I have some technical expertise, skill and experience as an editor. I am especially aware of how World Views and culture affect our view of reality. I hope you will find the material we develop and publish on this website stimulating and helpful.

Please be aware that this website is under development: we will eventually have a contact page (and a lot of content), but for now,

if you have serious and honest questions or comments, please write to:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Further, if you have written or found material that is relevant to the discussions on this website, we would be interested in seeing it; and if we think it is of sufficiently good quality, we will gladly incorporate it (with proper credit, of course) or place a link to it.